Welcome to the world of Nangu! 🌎 🤗

Nangu's vision is to restore degraded land and convert it into productive food forests. This vision unfolds into a very broad range of topics.

The Nangu Hub is the place for you to dive deep into any of the ideas we are thinking about. You will notice some topics still need a lot of thought and work, others are solid but are open to consideration. This is a continuous work in progress, that is why it exists: to reflect the current state of our thinking.

Media Kit

<aside> ☝🏼 If you would like to stay up to date on significant updates to this knowledge base and other Nangu related topics, feel welcome to join the Nangu journey by email. Simply leave your email below and we'll stay in touch.




Just check out the content board below ⬇️ and click on any title that you're interested in!

The hub is also a place where we invite you to give us feedback! If you have any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, or references on any of the contents on these pages, know that you are most welcome to share them here!

<aside> ☝🏼 To collaborate you'll need a **Notion** account. Once you're logged-in just choose comment on the context menu that appears when you select any text, in any page.


<aside> <img src="https://img.stackshare.io/service/6758/cbCR7w5R_400x400.jpg" alt="https://img.stackshare.io/service/6758/cbCR7w5R_400x400.jpg" width="40px" /> If you want to know more about Notion —this wonderful tool we're using to build this site— you can check out the getting started with Notion guide.




The following pages are in a state in which we don't feel comfortable to share them as part of the outline above. You are still welcome to dive in.


Old Version